Choir Membership

Membership of the Society entitles you to support the aims and objectives of the Society, to be circulated with information about our activities, and to concessional tickets at all performances.  Concession membership is available to Pensioner/Senior Card holders, students, or additional family members. Members are admitted at the discretion of the Management Committee.

If you wish to join the choir you will be required to pay an additional Choir Levy to cover the special expenses of the choir and a Uniform Levy to pay for maintenance and renewal of choir uniforms. The Music Director reserves the right to audition you when you take up membership. See further information on joining the choir here.

Annual membership is due on 1st February each year. Quarterly (term) choir membership is also available.

Membership fees breakdown 2024

Full Member OR ----- $45.00

Concession ------------- $40.00

ADD Choir Levy ---- $375.00

Full year choir membership

Full member ---------------- $420

Concessional member ---- $415

Single term choir membership

Full member ---------------- $110

Concessional member ------ $105

Student ----------------------- $50

Internet Direct Payments: BSB 734 064 ; Account 070019

Please put your name in the Description box

Our Membership Officer is Barbara Haydon.
Phone: 0412 667 348 or email: