Practice Aids

For almost all of the music we sing there are on-line rehearsal aids.

To use these click on your part; you will hear the full set of parts with your own part emphasised. If the current music is available on-line you can access it by clicking the links in the section below; for Midis the relevant file will be downloaded to your device; for MP3s the file will be played on your device.  If you want to download an MP3, once you have opened it, use a  right click and choose 'Save Audio as' to save to your device file manager.

Funeral Music

MP3 Files

Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring  Soprano Alto  Tenor Bass

JS Bach Cantata 182

Cyberbass (see note below)

JS Bach St John Passion


Schutz "Seven Last Words"

Midi files

Introitus  Soprano   Alto   Tenor 1   Tenor 2  Bass 

Conclusio  Soprano   Alto   Tenor 1   Tenor 2  Bass  

MP3 Files

Introitus  Soprano  Alto   Tenor 1   Tenor 2  Bass  

Conclusio  Soprano   Alto  Tenor 1  Tenor 2  Bass   

Cyberbass Messiah (click on red link to open)

(Note: You may encounter an error message which can be safely ignored)

If your device refuses access to this site do a Google search for "Cyberbass Messiah" and follow the result

Midi Messiah   (click on red link to open)

Chord Perfect Practice Aid

The Librarian can provide you with access to this aid on request.  The MP3 files you download contain the sound of experts singing your part for you to follow.

Choralia Practice Aid

Choralia is an alternative resource to Chord Perfect which you can access here without recourse to downloads.  The voicing is synthetic and you are recommended to subscribe to the service to remove the advertisements.

Once you have opened the site click on the MP3 box (top left). Scroll to the bottom of the H's to find Handel's Messiah (edition 2) and click on the loudspeaker icon in the same row.

On the resulting page the entire group of choruses for each part is shown in sequence, so A, T and B will have to scroll down

Choral Music Tutor

This is a web-based application developed by Chris Hills and aims to give you comprehensive control over the relative midi parts and accompaniment.

Click/long press here to get the Messiah play list.

David's Mark ups

You are advised to edit your score with the material in these mark up files.  Right click on the link and choose whether to open or download them.

Act 1

Act 2A

Act 2B

Act 3

Where Midi rehearsal aids have been developed by the Bach Choir they should be played back using Speedy Midi. Such aids are identified by the symbol: Speedy Midi icon.

Click here to learn how to install Speedy Midi and for brief instructions for it. To use on your mobile device click here.

Since it is now possible to get speed changers for sound files (MP3) we also provide a set of MP3 files.  Click here to learn how to install a speed changer on your computer and for mobile devices click here

When the current music is not available online we may be able to provide practice CDs - contact the Librarian at rehearsal.

Choir members may borrow a copy of "Successful Sight Singing" by Nancy Telfer - contact the Librarian

If you are new to musical notation this link is to a handy singers' guide to such things.